Australian National Fellowships

The Australian National Fellowship scheme is a partnership between the Australian National University, the National Archives of Australia and the National Museum of Australia with the Menzies Australia Institute, King's College London. All application information as listed on this page is relevant only to ANU applicants.
Australian National Fellows
Congratulations to Dr Robyn McKenzie (ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences), who was appointed as the inaugural ANU Australian National Fellow in January 2019. Read more »
Congratulations also to Professor Neil Gunningham, Dr Ben Day and Dr Michael Cohen, who were each appointed as Australian National Fellows in September 2019. Read more »
The purpose of the Australian National Fellowships (hereafter, Fellowships) as offered by the Australian National University (ANU) is to enable ANU academic staff to undertake research at King’s College London (KCL) through the Menzies Australia Institute (MAI) for one to six months with the view of promoting and building on ANU research excellence.
ANU terms and conditions are not applicable for the National Archive of Australia (NAA) staff and the National Museum of Australia (NMA) staff applying for, or undertaking, the fellowship.
The aim of the fellowship is
- To facilitate exchange and collaboration between the MAI, the Australian Studies Institute (AuSI) and relevant sponsoring divisions at Australian National University (ANU), the National Archives of Australia (NAA) and the National Museum of Australia (NMA); and
- To profile scholarship on Australia and the world in the UK and Europe generally; and
- To build wider research collaborations.
The fellowship is open to nominations from academics belonging to an area of the University currently included as a Sponsoring Division. Sponsoring Divisions are:
- College of Arts and Social Sciences;
- College of Arts and Social Sciences, Centre for Social Research and Methods;
- College of Asia and the Pacific; and
- College of Business, Research School of Economics.
Applicants must receive approval from their direct supervisor and provide written documentation of teaching relief for the requested term of the Visiting Fellowship, where applicable.
Each Sponsoring Division will be responsible for ranking and nominating candidates to receive the Fellowship from within their division.
AuSI encourages Sponsoring Divisions to give preference to early career researchers, female and Indigenous applicants, in keeping with University’s strategic priorities.
The Visiting Fellowship will be awarded under the following conditions:
- The award will fund up to six months at MAI KCL. Fellows are expected to be based at KCL full-time for the duration of the Fellowship. Awards may not be split over more than one period;
- While participating in seminars and other activities at other institutions is encouraged, Fellows are not to be away for more than 7 days on any one occasion during their fellowships;
- Fellows must be in residence for at least 75% of their appointment;
- Fellows will be expected to contribute fully to the academic life of MAI KCL throughout the term of their fellowship;
- Only one Fellowship may be awarded to an applicant within a three-year period; and
- The value of the Fellowship will be determined by the Sponsoring Division but will include, at a minimum, accommodation, domestic airfare, and visa fees for the Fellow.
- Adjustments to the original application budget must be applied for directly to the Sponsoring Division and approval will be at the discretion of the Sponsoring Division.
Application Process
Deadlines for the scheme will be determined by MAI in coordination with AuSI and posted online for ANU applicants in a timely manner.
Fellows must submit an ANU Travel eForm prior to booking travel arrangements in accordance with ANU Policy and ensure emergency contact information is up-to-date in HORUS.
Fellows are responsible for booking airfare, accommodation, and securing a visa in accordance with proposed budget and standard procedures within the sponsoring division.
Selection Criteria
Fellowship proposals will be assessed by a panel within the Sponsoring Division in terms of
- the quality of the proposal;
- its likely contribution to research currently undertaken at KCL;
- its suitability to the Sponsoring Divisions strategic goals; and
- a clear timeline of proposed activity and expected outcomes during the fellowship period.
Nominees should provide
- a summary of research interests connected with the work being undertaken at KCL;
- a proposal of work including aims and significance, and the suitability of the research to KCL;
- a description of one research or training event and, where appropriate, one public event such as a public lecture or seminar;
- information about links with researchers currently at KCL, where applicable; and
- an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae.
Up to three referee comments may be requested by the Sponsoring Division or MAI KCL.
At the conclusion of the Fellowship
- The Fellow will be required to write a brief report, suitable for profiling by all institutions (KCL, NAA, NMA and ANU). The report should
- Cover the research activities and collaborations while in residence at KCL and outline the benefits of the stay;
- Identify areas for further collaboration;
- Be submitted within 4 weeks of the Fellows’ departure from London to MAI, AuSI and the Sponsoring Division; and
- We also welcome comments and recommendations on ways in which the Fellowship could be improved within its existing limits for the benefit of future Fellows.
- The Fellow will be required to present a paper at a public function and/or seminar conducted by MAI KCL prior to the conclusion of the fellowship and AuSI and the Sponsoring Division following the return.