After Christchurch: Violent Extremism Online

Laptop open in a dark room
Jay Wennington from Unsplash

Note: this call for contributions has now closed. View the After Christchurch: Violent Extremism Online symposium program here.

Call for Contributions to the Symposium

After Christchurch: Violent Extremism Online

Contributors are invited to a symposium focused on combatting violent extremism online. The Symposium will bring together experts and interested parties to deepen our understanding of this global problem in an Australian context.

Format and Outcomes: Hosted by the ANU Australian Studies Institute, the symposium will comprise a series of facilitated roundtable discussions around major themes that are informed by short presentations. The Symposium will identify priority areas for research and policy work, and foster interdisciplinary teams to take this work forward. A proceedings of the Symposium, including summaries of the roundtables, will be published by the Institute.

Who is invited: Contributors are sought from a broad range of disciplines, including but not limited to law, philosophy, cybersecurity studies, computer science, information systems, sociology, history, politics, public policy, economics, communication, marketing, and international business.

Options for contributors:

I. Roundtable participant: All Symposium attendees will be roundtable participants

II. Background paper: Background papers of relevance to the themes are sought from participants, which will be circulated in advance to participants.

III. Short presentations: Roundtables will begin with one or two 5-10 minute presentations on the following themes:

  1. Current status and gaps in Australian legal and regulatory frameworks

  2. Current status and future trends in weaponized social media*

  3. What is old and what is new about this technological threat

  4. Extreme violence online and Cybersecurity*

  5. Ethics of controlling social media content and distribution

  6. Technological challenges of controlling social media**

  7. Political challenges of controlling social media**

Presenters have been identified for some themes but additional presenters are sought for those marked *, and especially for themes marked **.

If you wish to register as a roundtable participant, submit a background paper or offer to serve as a presenter, please register here

Organising Committee:

Professor Shirley Leitch: ANU Australian Studies Institute

Dr Lesley Seebeck: ANU Cyber Institute

Professor Sally Wheeler OBE: ANU College of Law

Secretariat: Ms Fiona Preston

Updated:  14 July 2020/Responsible Officer:  Institute Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications