Inspiring Women Reflect

Inspiring Women Reflect

The Australian Studies Institute is proud to host the Inspiring Women Reflect series as part of our partnership with the Menzies Australia Institute at King's College, London.

The series was created by the Hon Ros Kelly AO as a joint initiative of the Menzies Australia Institute (KCL) and Westpac, and aims to empower women in the workplace and beyond.

The Inspiring Women Reflect series celebrates and empowers women to strive for leadership and success in the workplace. 

Ros interviews and moderates discussions with prominent businesswomen, passionate entrepreneurs and dynamic public leaders, who share stories about their journeys to success. These remarkable and inspiring women provide personal and candid accounts of their careers and offer practical advice for progression.

The series has gained an engaged community of women and each event provides excellent networking opportunities for young women leaders.

The Australian Studies Institute, ANU, is pleased to host two events as part of this series each year. 


Updated:  27 January 2022/Responsible Officer:  Institute Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications