Applications Open for AuSI’s 2023–24 Visiting Fellowship Program

The closing date to apply for the 2023-24 Visiting Fellowship Program is extended to Midnight (AEST) Wednesday 14 June 2023.
The ANU Australian Studies Institute (AuSI) is pleased to announce that applications are now open for its 2023-24 Visiting Fellowship Program.
The AuSI Visiting Fellowship Program brings early and mid-career researchers to the ANU campus to conduct and share research that promotes the study of Australia or transnational and comparative research involving Australia. Fellowship proposals are invited from scholars of all academic disciplines who are based in Australian and overseas academic institutions. Last year, scholars undertook Fellowships in a range of disciplines spanning human rights, history, climate change, politics, the environment, Indigenous Australia, bushfire evacuation technology and planetary health.
The Program enables Visiting Fellows to undertake innovative research whilst contributing to the collegial research culture across ANU. Fellows become members of the ANU community, and generally collaborate with ANU academics, present seminars or guest lectures, and attend AuSI events, such as the Visiting Fellows Dinner.
“Our inaugural intake for the Visiting Fellowship Program proved a great success and created a strong opportunity to promote research excellence in Australian Studies. We are thrilled to be continuing to provide such opportunity for more Australian Studies scholars through the next round of this formidable program.”
- Professor Paul Pickering, Director, ANU Australian Studies Institute
There are a range of themes that Fellowship proposals for the 2023-24 Program must relate to, including:
- Innovation
- Democratic participation and prosperity
- Health and Wellbeing
- Global environmental sustainability
- First Nations traditional knowledge
The closing date to apply for the 2023-24 Visiting Fellowship Program is Midnight (AEST) Wednesday 14 June 2023.
More information along with the application form can be found here.
Hear about the impact and experiences from some of our previous Visiting Fellows:
“With this Fellowship, I had the opportunity to learn and share my research interests in particular on Indigenous well-being and land management, and emerging economies. I had the opportunity to present to a wider range of researchers and learn about the well-being research being conducted at the ANU Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, and developed a plan for future collaborations. The Fellowship provided me an excellent opportunity to showcase my research which will help create a greater impact in the future and it will help me to collaborate with ANU experts in the future.”
- Kamaljit K Sangha, Charles Darwin University – AuSI Visiting Fellow 2023
“The Fellowship has helped me sustain and renew connections with colleagues at ANU, while expanding my network to academics that I had not yet met. It has helped me forge new connections between my own university, the ANU and collecting institutions. Data collected during the fellowship will also underpin my ongoing research on Australian message sticks and be accessible to other scholars working in this field.”
- Piers Kelly, University of New England – AuSI Visiting Fellow 2022
“My Fellowship at the AuSI was a productive whirlwind. In addition to attending seminars in the School of Politics and International Relations, I cultivated new professional relationships and deepened existing ones through a series of one-on-one meetings with an array of faculty and graduate students. Most notably, these meetings enabled me to: 1) significantly advance my book project on the Australian Human Rights Commission; 2) connect with ANU-based scholars who are working on Australia as part of the Comparative Agendas Project; 3) develop a plan to bring UT-Austin students to the ANU for three days in 2024 … and discuss with AuSI Director Paul Pickering a new model for gatherings of the Australian and New Zealand Studies Association of North America.”
- Rhonda Evans, The University of Texas at Austin – AuSI Visiting Fellow 2022
“The Fellowship allowed me to spend extended time working in the National Library of Australia, the National Archives of Australia, and the Noel Butlin Archives Centre at ANU. I was able to share my initial findings at the International Australian Studies Association biennial conference and have submitted an article to a Q1 journal. The findings from my research into Phyllis Parkinson and the Australian Wine Board/Bureau will contribute to a larger cultural history and provide a stronger and historically informed understanding of feminised labour and consumption in promotional work.”
- Kate Fitch, Monash University – AuSI Visiting Fellow 2022
View the full list of AuSI’s 2022 – 2023 Visiting Fellows