AuSI abroad: First Eight Project bound for the UK

The Australian Studies Institute (AuSI) and 'The First Eight Project' are travelling to the United Kingdom to present a series of lectures celebrating the life and times of Andrew Fisher - Australia's fifth Prime Minister and the leader in 1910 of Australia's first majority Labor government.
Dr David Headon, historian and Foundation Fellow at the Institute will deliver the First Eight Project lecture, titled 'So much more than a Prime Minister': Andrew Fisher (1862-1928) at Australia House, London on Tuesday 22 October. The lecture will also be delivered at the University of Edinburgh, on Thursday 24 October.
AuSI is delighted to have the support of our UK event hosts the Britain-Australia Society in London, and the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, at the University of Edinburgh.
The London lecture is fully booked, however there are still places available to join AuSI in Edinburgh. For more information and to reserve a free ticket, please visit our event page.
If you are unable to join AuSI in the United Kingdom, a recording of the lecture will be made available via our website.
Interested in following along with AuSI’s UK tour? Sign up to the AuSI e-bulletin or connect with us on twitter or facebook to receive all of our updates and adventures.
These events are proudly presented as part of the First Eight Project - a collaborative project between the Australian Parliamentary Library, Australian Studies Institute (ANU), National Archives of Australia, National Museum of Australia, and Victorian Parliamentary Library, exploring the private, public and political lives of Australia's first eight Prime Ministers.
For more news from AuSI's 2019 First Eight Project UK trip see:
UK turns out for First Eight Lecture: Andrew Fisher - Australia's 5th PM
AuSI and Crosshouse Community remember Andrew Fisher
Get involved:
Listen to the lecture in full: 'So much more than a Prime Minister': Andrew Fisher (1862-1928)