Why looking back is the only way forward: COVID-19, the Federation, and the chance of genuine reconciliation

Photo by Paul Chapman
Tuesday 20 October 2020

On Monday 19 October, Professor Mark Kenny (Australian Studies Institute, ANU) delivered the Henry Parkes Oration 2020 - Why looking back is the only way forward: COVID-19, the Federation, and the chance of genuine reconciliation.

We would like to thank the Henry Parkes Foundation and the Museum of Australian Democracy for hosting the Henry Parkes Oration.

"By the same token, Australia is a lesser nation, a weaker society, for the denial of proper recognition and meaningful reconciliation with this land's first peoples - the oldest continuing civilisation on Earth."

– Professor Mark Kenny, Australian Studies Institute, ANU 

Professor Mark Kenny has called for a permanent monument to First Nations peoples to be built at the centre of Canberra's symbolic axis, in recognition of their contribution to the modern Australian nation. 

"Aboriginal Australia has waited long enough for this material recognition," he said.

About the Henry Parkes Oration

The Henry Parkes Foundation sponsors an annual oration, with a distinguished speaker focusing on challenging social/political issues in Australian society, with some reference to the ideals and objectives of Parkes.

A list of previous speakers is available here.

In case you missed it

Watch the Henry Parkes Oration 2020 via YouTube

View the full transcript of the Henry Parkes Oration 2020 via attachment.

In the News

Mark Kenny calls for a permanent monument to First Nations in Canberra
The Canberra Times, 20 Oct.

Craig Ritchie supports a First Nations monument on LBG
ABC Radio CANBERRA, 20 Oct.

Updated:  20 October 2020/Responsible Officer:  Institute Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications